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Are You Suffering From Migraine? This Blog Can Help You To Reach a Solution.


Migraine is One of the most common term used by patients these days. You must be wondering what is migraine? It is a complex condition that triggers the throbbing pain throbbing pain or discomforting pulsing sensation, on any side of entire head. It is basically characterised by recurrent attacks of headache with variable intensity, duration and frequency of every attack.

There are majorly two type of migraines which are categorised till the date. Below mentioned explanation will let you know the difference between the two.


Classical migraine/migraine with aura is a type of migraine where attack is usually preceded by an aura. Or is defined to be as neurological symptoms like hemisensory symptom, Visual disturbance, hemiparesis or Dysphasis. Visual aura is considered to be most common. The development of aura is usually done in 5 to 20 minutes and it last for less than one hour. It is followed by nausea, headache and photophobia. The headache may last for 4 to 72 hours.


Around 90% of females suffers from migraine without Aura.this type of migraine takes place episodically and is not preceded with an aura. Factors like stress, emotional state, euphoria, odor can cause the headache.  Gradually the graph of headache inclines and it become mostly unilateral. Nausea, intolerance to food, vomiting, strong and like to doze are often associated with these headaches.

A few Other Variants Of Migraine Which Are Not So Common Are Listed Below.

  1. Basilar migraine
  2. Ophthalmoplegic migraine
  3. Retinal migraine
  4. Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood



Migraine is suspected to be Psychosomatic Illness. PSYCHOSOMATIC is refereed as interaction between mind and body which are “Psych” and “Soma” respectively , where ailment is aggravated by mental factor. Mentally stressful behaviour due to grief, frustration, anger,etc are a few major factors that helps triggering migraine. Homoeopathic medicines can be a life saviour during this time.

The medicines provided by a homeopath may vary from case to case. Patient symptom will help a homoeopath choose the best medication for the same. Physical and mental health of patient forms the foundation of the health for a homoeopath so that he can consult effectively and efficiently with fruitful medication.

Homeopathic treatment is very effective in treating migraine. The homeopathic remedies help in reducing the intensity and frequency of the migraine attacks. It also helps in gradually reducing the dose of conventional treatment.


If you are willing to reach an expert of homeopathy who can help you with remedies like this, we have an expert whom you can reach anytime anywhere.

Dr. Vikas Rewar

He is a Homeopath who strives to work hard to provide patients with an Affordable and Effective Homeopathy remedy. He is one of the renowned homeopaths of the city who not only have superlative reviews for chronic disease but also he has good hold on acute diseases.

He’s the best Homeopathy Physician for Asthma, PCOD, homeopathy physician for Skin Allergies and Diseases, Kidney Stones, Respiratory disease, Migraine, Leucorrhea, Hemorrhoids, Sciatica, Slip Disc, Back Pain, Arthritis, Tonsillitis, Menstrual Disorders, Sinusitis, Adenoids, Impotency, Sterility, Uterine Fibroids and more. Our skills are very approachable to cure chronic disease and ensure great for the patients.

Reach Him Over:


Phone: +91 9414254997


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