
PVR Meditech Gas-o-rLx Drops

Original price was: ₹260.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

Nowadays eating too much outside fried food or not eating food at the right time along with drinking less water causes a lot of stomach problems, so ā€œPVR MEDITECHā€ has brought you a unique Homeopathic combination drops ā€œPVR MEDITECH GAS-O-rLXā€ Ā which cover stomach related problems .

Benefits :

ā€¢ Cure Acute Abdominal pain(Due to Indgistion)
ā€¢ Gives relief in Heartburn and Acidity
ā€¢ Useful in GERD
ā€¢ Useful in Constipation

SKU: pvr-meditech-gas-o-rlx-drops Category:


Product Description

Gas -o -rLx is very effective in improving digestion, enhancing the function of digestive system and expelling trapped gases through its carminative action ,thus providing relief from gaseous distension and abdominal complaints.useful in abdominal heaviness, acidity,gas formation and flatulence.

ā€¢ Nux Vomica 3x
ā€¢ Lycopodium Clavatum 3x
ā€¢ Anacardium Orientale 3x
ā€¢ Antimonium Crudup 3x
ā€¢ Carbo veg 3x
ā€¢ Scrophularia Nodosa 3x

How to use:
20 drops BD for adults
10 drops BD for Child
in 1/2 cup of lukewarm water or prescrebed by Physician


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